Benefits Of Trampolining For Children With Cystic Fibrosis

Best trampoline in nz is a fun and low-impact exercise that has many benefits for children with cystic fibrosis. It can help improve lung function, build muscle strength and increase bone density, ultimately leading to fewer hospital admissions.

best trampoline in nz

Improving Lung Function

Trampolining is a great form of exercise for children with CF. Not only can it help improve lung function, but it also helps improve breathing, coughing, and pulmonary function. In fact, studies have shown that children who participate in trampolining are able to increase the volume of air they exhale by up to 13 percent after only 30 minutes. This means their lungs are more efficient at getting oxygen into their bodies and removing waste products from the system. They may also find that they start coughing less frequently during this time period.

Building Muscle Strength

Fitness instructors have long known that trampoline nz is a great way to build muscle strength. The fact that it also involves a lot of bouncing means that you are using your muscles for longer than usual, making them stronger as well as more toned. The children with CF who take part in trampolining classes report that they feel fitter and healthier when they leave the session—and this may help them cope better with the disease’s main symptoms later on.

To get started at home, try some simple exercises on your own or with a friend:

  • Hold onto the sides of the trampoline and jump up off it several times (you can add jumps if you’re advanced). Repeat 10 times before moving onto another area of your body
  • Do push-ups or squats while holding onto either side of the trampoline
  • Stand facing away from one end so that your feet are apart; jump up as high as possible then land back down into position with both feet firmly planted.

Increasing Bone Density

One of the most important benefits of trampolining for children with cystic fibrosis is that it increases bone density. To fully understand how this benefit can be achieved, it’s important to first understand what bone density actually means.

Bone density is an indicator of how strong you are physically, and it plays a big role in keeping your body healthy overall. Specifically, higher bone density leads to stronger muscles, joints and ligaments — which means less chance of injury!

Fun way to improve lung function, and muscle strength 

Patients with CF need to be physically active in order to maintain lung function and prevent pulmonary exacerbations. The benefits of trampolining for children with CF include improvements in muscle strength, bone density and lung function.


Hope you found the above blog useful and informative to use trampoline nz for your children, if you have any ideas or suggestions then feel free to comment down your ideas in the comment section.

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