11 Mistakes to Avoid in Warehousing Solutions

Warehousing Solutions

Stockrooms are important for businesses with physical products. Effective management of warehousing solutions is complex and challenging. Small mistakes can lead to significant problems.

Running a storage facility requires careful attention to many things. Online shipping and delivery affect its performance.

Choosing a third-party space for storage is crucial from the business perspective. Therefore, mistakes can be costly.

In this article, we will discuss the following:

  • First, 11 common mistakes that businesses make in their stockroom solution providers make.
  • Second, tips on how to avoid them.

By understanding these mistakes and taking steps to prevent them, you can improve the efficiency and profitability of your warehouse solutions.

Poor Planning

Poor planning while choosing a warehouse can lead to several problems. These include:

  • Poor layout
  • Inaccurate inventory
  • Excess inventory
  • Low traceability and monitoring
  • Inefficient product labeling
  • Substandard housekeeping
  • Lack of employee training
  • Poor safety

These problems can result in higher costs, lower productivity, and decreased customer satisfaction. Careful consideration of location, size, layout, and technology is important. Especially, when choosing a warehouse management solution to avoid issues.

Inaccurate Inventory Tracking

Inaccurate inventory tracking can cause problems such as incorrect counts, damaged inventory, and lost products. Inaccurate inventory management causes problems related to picking and managing the storeroom. Unsatisfactory order management can result in the following:

  • Poor preparations to deal with seasonal demands.
  • Extremely high labor costs.

Poor Safety Procedures

Poor safety procedures can also be a huge business problem. For instance, unsafe forklift use, improper product stacking, and lack of personal protective equipment can harm workers.

Your clients will have to face issues. These issues include damaged products, delayed shipments, and increased insurance costs. These issues are caused by poor safety procedures. Most service providers follow OSHA safety guidelines for this reason.

Understand warehouse safety hazards. Conduct regular inspections. Make sure only a certified professional operates the equipment.

Lack of staff training

Staff may struggle with customer inquiries or issues without proper training. Delays in order fulfillment can decrease customer satisfaction. Labor shortages can make hiring and onboarding new staff difficult. This can worsen the problem. Overcoming language barriers is a strategy to address challenges. Cross-training workers to cover multiple areas is another strategy. Identifying common challenges in training warehouse workers is crucial. Staff should be well-trained and equipped to meet the needs of clients with updated solutions.

Not having a clean facility

A clean and organized stockroom promotes a positive atmosphere, accurate inventory management, and increased efficiency. But a warehouse with dust or mold can harm workers’ breathing. A clean warehouse can increase team productivity and improve customer satisfaction. Keeping the facility clean is a challenge in managing warehouse labor. Maximize warehouse space by using racks and shelves. Implement a regular cleaning schedule for this reason. Properly dispose of waste to keep the space clean. Keeping it clean is essential for your success on the business front.

Choosing the wrong warehouse solutions location

The location should be close to the dispatch area. This ensures that the operatives can complete each picking run efficiently. Distance to the storeroom affects transportation costs and lead times for customers.

Choosing a location prone to natural disasters or with poor infrastructure can reduce the efficiency of your storage facility. Consider the location carefully for this reason. Ensure it’s easily accessible for transportation and has the necessary infrastructure.

Choosing the right warehouse storage solutions can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and provide better service to customers.

Not consulting with an expert in warehousing technology

The logistics industry uses technology for automation, productivity, and efficiency. Warehousing technology helps businesses with labor shortages, inventory accuracy, and labor costs. Missing out on improving operations and efficiency can happen. Especially, if businesses don’t consult with a warehousing technology expert.

Lading Logistics provides warehousing solutions. They provide storage, inventory management, and order fulfillment services. They use technology to improve operations. They provide better service to clients. Lading Cargo improves efficiency for businesses. They do this by using technology and expertise to overcome warehousing challenges.

Inefficient warehouse layout

An inefficient warehouse layout can lead to various issues such as

  • Wasted space,
  • Inefficient processes,
  • Low service levels,
  • High operational costs, and
  • Health and safety hazards.

Messy loading docks, overfilled pallets, and aisles littered with packing materials are signs of an inefficient warehouse.

Designing a layout for future expansion can help avoid inefficiency and inaccuracy. Eliminating the causes of a messy warehouse and having an optimal layout is important.

Lack of pallet rack inspections

Lack of pallet rack inspections can cause safety hazards and equipment failure. RMI recommends the inspection of storage rack systems annually by a professional equipment specialist. Inspections prevent accidents. Rack inspectors offer maintenance visits for equipment.

Poor storekeeping

Bad storekeeping causes safety hazards, less productivity, and equipment failure. Lack of discipline and organization due to poor storekeeping can cause inventory issues, accidents, and equipment damage.

It is important for workplace safety and involves care, cleanliness, orderliness, and maintenance. It prevents accidents and injuries in the warehouse. Dusting, decluttering, and clearing debris improves workers’ safety and productivity.

Inadequate preventative maintenance

Lack of maintenance can cause productivity drop, equipment failure, and sudden breakdowns. Bad maintenance reduces productivity and causes equipment failure. Preventative maintenance reduces downtime and maximizes equipment reliability.

Scheduled maintenance keeps equipment running and prevents sudden breakdowns. Lack of maintenance causes equipment failure in warehouses. Ensure proper warehouse maintenance to prevent accidents and equipment damage. It’s important to maintain warehouse equipment to prevent sudden breakdowns and ensure full capacity.


Avoiding mistakes in warehousing is important for efficient business operations. Businesses often make mistakes in their warehousing solutions, such as poor inventory accuracy, failure to optimize picking paths, and utilization of paper processes.

Implementing a warehouse management system can reduce human error and increase efficiency. Planning, software tools, and updated management software can help you overcome warehouse management challenges.

Businesses can maintain reliable and successful warehouse operations by being aware of common mistakes and assumptions that can derail effectiveness.


What does a warehouse management system do?

A warehouse management system (WMS) is a software solution that helps companies manage and control daily warehouse operations, from the moment goods and materials enter the warehouse until they move out.

What are the four types of warehouse management systems?

There are four main types of warehouse management systems: standalone, as a module in supply chain management (SCM) software, as a module within an ERP system, and delivered as a cloud-based system.

What is an example of a warehouse management system?

A WMS is a type of software that is widely used in the manufacturing and retail industries because it tracks all materials and goods as they come in and leave the warehouse.

How To Find The Best Stockroom Management Facility?

To find the best stockroom management facility, you can start by looking for warehouse management software (WMS) that is designed to support, control, and optimize typical warehouse workflow.

What Should I Do To Enhance My Warehousing Solutions?

To enhance your warehousing solutions, there are several steps you can take to improve warehouse efficiency and productivity. This includes starting from implementing digital warehouse design to optimizing warehouse automation.

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